Thursday, January 20, 2011

Field Trip!

We took our first field trip here in Mississippi. I live for field trip days! Of course just about anything can be a "field trip" when your kids are all as young as mine.

I decided to take the kids to check out a children's museum that is about a half an hour from our new house. Just about everything is a half an hour from the new only took a few pictures since I was busy supervising the kiddos, but it was very house...we are pretty much out in the sticks. Anyway, the museum was a big hit. I cool.

Beth and Carrie spent a long time playing in this fishing area.

All the kids loved painting, and truthfully I am always glad when they get the chance to paint somewhere other than in my house. (especially Carrie!)

They also had some very cool math, reading, and science exhibits. We were there three hours and did not have time to do everything. I practically had to drag the kids out with promises to return soon. Next time I will just picnic lunch and eat in the outdoor area, which is also pretty awesome.


Mama Teaching 3 said...

I so hope to get that way to see you now that you are closer! I love the museum. :)

administration said...

How the heck are so on track already!?