I can't believe it has been so long since I posted...and I can't believe that we are well into August either! It is almost time for me to go back for my final semester of college. I am so not ready to go either, I wish summer could just stretch on and on. We have had such a good time this year. The kids are all getting older, and it just seems so easy to pack up and take them anywhere these days. We have been busy busy this past week. On Monday we went to Sesame Place in PA with some friends and had a blast! It's four hours away, so that made for a long day, but it was worth it! Friday was Coast Guard Day so we once again went to a Water/Amusement Park - that one was right here in Connecticut though. We saw lots of friends and coworkers there, and a good time was had by all. And on Saturday we went to a party at Beth's preschool teacher's house, which was awesome. She lives a little ways out into the country and has a huge yard complete with a pool, big sandbox, cats, dogs, and even two horses. The horses belong to her niece who was nice enough to take Beth out to pet them. Beth is obsessed with horses these days so that was pretty exciting for her.
Anyway, next on the agenda is another week of work and daycare. After that, we are all off for a week, and are headed home to NC to visit all our friends and relatives! I can't wait - even though I am sure it will be HOT! "Hot" here in CT is anything over 80 - I'm sure I'm going to melt when I get back into the South's version of August. As soon as we get back from vacation I'll have only a few days left before starting student teaching. Better enjoy summer while it lasts I guess!
A few pictures...
Sesame Place
Cutie-Pie Carrie...she was such a trooper!
The BIG roller-coaster that Beth and Matt both went on. They are fearless!
This was a favorite...of course.
Beth and Matt