I know, I know, I'm terrible at keeping this thing up to date! In any case, I always have a lot to write about by the time I sit down to do so.
I guess are biggest news this month is that we've got orders! Yes, our four years in Connecticut are coming to a close. It really has flown by sooo fast. I know I'm going to cry when we leave...which is shocking since I hated it here the whole first year, lol. We'll always have lots of fond memories of this place though. After all we moved here with one baby girl, and will be leaving with four kids! This will always be the place where we had our little babies and watched them grow. And the place where Matt worked thirty hours a week and life was good, lol.
Anyway, our newest adventure will be taking up to Keesler Air Force Base down in Mississippi. Only for about eight months though, during which time Matt be attending a weather school. Afer that (Summer of 2011) we will move on to Suitland, Maryland (right outside of Washington D.C.) where we will spend the next four years. We are excited! We are also happy that we don't have to move sometime till around October or November though, which is later than we had thought. Now we get to spend another wonderful summer in Connecticut, and don't have to make some huge move with a brand new baby.
Speaking of the baby, I am 18 weeks along now. All is going well. I feel great, getting fat, the usual! Hopefully we'll found if it's a boy or a girl soon. We're hoping for a boy to make it an even two and two. Matt is my absolute favorite boy though, he just really cracks me up and is full of cuddles. I guess it wouldn't be too bad to have just him and a houseful of girls! He loves the girls in any case and doesn't mind being with his sisters 24/7.
Miss Beth is 5 now (and Carrie is 2) so we are thinking about kindergarten. Wow, when did that happen?? I'll be teaching her at home, while we move all over the country, so I've picked out some materials to get her started. She likes sitting and working quietly, and has always loved books, so I think teaching her is going to be really easy. As for Matt...look out world! We'll get to him next year, lol. He's very bright though, which is a plus since he's a wild and crazy guy. He often runs around jumping on the furniture and racing his cars while I work with Beth, and then later on I realize he has in fact listened and learned a lot of her lesson.